Port Captain


The primary role of the Port Captain / Supercargo is to ensure a safe, timely and cost effective port stay of a vessel loading or discharging.

We as Port Captain / Supercargo protect the clients’ interests, save their time and advise them against extra delays and costs, our extensive experience in this field worldwide helps us to foresee issues before they arise and work with all parties for the swift resolution.

Constant supervision of the entire operation ensures the proper lifting, stowage, separation and lashing to ensure a quick and safe cargo operations; Daily reports and photos with competent comments and advices will show you a real situation on board the ship.

After finishing cargo operations Port Captain/Supercargo can provide a full report with

  •      Final Cargo Plan
  •      Loading or discharge report containing photos of relevant parts of the operation.
  •      Hatch list with separation of the cargo per lots when info is available
  •      Discharging advices with recommendations as to speeding up of process in the port of discharge.

Port Captain/Supercargo of Maas Maritime Consultancy B.V. is your representative on board. Having your representative on board the ship, you and your company will be confident in the success of joint business, reputation of your company will be supported with our professional work.